Friday, July 22, 2011

Random Photos

These are just some random flowers I thought were beautiful.
This creature was just walking across the street. All the bugs are jumbo size in Indonesia.

This baby monkey so cute! He was eating a nasty piece of banana.
This little fellow just stared at me the whole time I was taking pictures!

The Rice Factory

So this is what they do to our rice fellow Americans.  My uncle purchases it from the local farmers, hulls it, washes it, polishes it, and bags it.  Did you know there is not any broken rice in your bag?

I didn't.
It's removed during the bagging process and send to another factory to make rice flour.

Guci~Hot water Pool

This awesome natural hot water pool is one of my favorite things to share with Grace.  The weather is actually chilly and the water is relaxing and so therapeutic.

The Buddha comes out

In the middle of the town was a festival where the Buddha comes out.  These statues are brought from all over the area to be carried around in this red bamboo house.  All the locals stand in line for their turn to carry the Buddha.  They believe it will give them a special place in the afterlife.  Grace enjoyed all the piggy bag rides!

The Indonesian Beach house

This was a scary bridge to walk across.  Not sure if it was the thought of the  disgusting water or not knowing what was in the water that scared me the most. Half of the walk way didn't have a rail, so believe me when I say I held on for dear life. But it was so nice and breezy and the sunset was...breathtaking.