Friday, June 3, 2011

Is there a doctor in the house?

Well it is Saturday morning here and we had a big day yesterday.  Brandi and I are certified "pool divers." We don't become official "open water divers" until our first open water dive in Manado on June 11th.  It is honestly the most quiet and surreal feeling.  All you hear is your own breathing. Can't wait to actually see some "Memo's" as Ian would say.  I hope to take some underwater pictures with my uncle's underwater camera.  

So I mentioned the mother and Grace are sick but much better today.  First my mom starts running fever yesterday morning around 100 and going up.  So she goes to the doctor.  Then Grace starts running fever of 100 around 3pm and going up.  So we decide to go to the doctor at 7:30 pm here.  The phrase "it takes a village" was definitely intended for last night. My grandmother comes and looks at Grace. She gives her "Chinese" medicine woman diagnosis. Something about if her legs are hot or cold. My mom makes a call for one of her brothers to take us to the doctor because Grace is running fever. He comes with his wife and 2 daughters, 1 daughter is a doctor. Then here comes a sister and her husband.  Then the other brother, who lives in the house we are staying, comes home.  They are ALL giving their opinions about her sickness in another language! I can understand conversation more than I can speak, so I just listen. It was a classic moment of true family!

So in summary Grace and my mom just have a cold with upper respiratory infection.  Grace gets prescription of anitbiotic and cough expectorant. No fever today and feeling much better.

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