Sunday, June 12, 2011

Welcome to Manado

It's the end of day one's diving. We had to travel on a boat about 30 minutes out to start first dive. The boat ride was definitely no carnival cruise ship! Lots of green faces by the time we reach our destination. Glad to say one was not me. Under the ocean is absolutely breath taking! 3 total dives today included lots of bright colored fish, 1 nemo, a sea turtle, sea horses, a sting ray and we even saw an octopus "ink" himself! We even saw clams that were about 150 years old. We feed some fish a banana right out of our hand. My mother got a super fast scuba lesson and managed to make it down 5 meters! Grace even got to snorkle and see lots of fish. Our party of 12 had at least 4 hanging overboard by the end. We shall see what tomorrow brings!

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